Coworking spaces and in a broader sense flexible workspaces have been an existing feature of the commercial real estate landscape for decades. Recent years have however seen an acceleration of their growth. In this article we look at the publicly available data on trends in fundraising.
Several high-level comments are noticeable:
In the following chart we have shown the top 50 raises over the 2012 / 19 period (excluding wework). The distribution shows the long tailed-ness one can often observe with innovative companies. The largest fundraises include Ucommune, Kr Space, Selina, Workspace Group and Industrious.
The following chart shows the distribution of fundraises in the world. The three main flexible workspace regions are the US, Europe and Asia with some smaller activity in South America, Africa and Australia. The largest fundraises in our sample (excluding wework) was in China (Ucommune)
CoworkIntel is the performance data co-op for the flexible industry.
Our mission is to help operators build their track record, landlords get clarity on operators performance and investors take informed decisions.
Our vision is to bring transparency to help the flexible workspace industry grow in a more profitable, efficient and sustainable way.