Who we are

The #1 Source for Flex Space Data & Insights

Our platform connects you to thousands of workspaces to unlock the insights you need to optimize business performance.

  • 2K

    Operators Tracked

  • 40K

    Spaces Tracked

  • 4M

    Desks Analyzed

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We answer complex questions for operators.

CoworkIntel is the global leader in data intelligence for the flexible workspace industry.

Track key workspace metrics

Access performance KPIs with powerful dashboards for coworking and flex space operators.

Compare your performance

Benchmark against other spaces in your market to improve operations, close new deals and attract investors.

What We Do

We power smarter decisions with reliable data

CoworkIntel is the authoritative data and insights source for the flexible workspace industry.

Supply Dynamics

Analyze the number of coworking and flexible workspaces in your market and understand supply market share.

Coworking Data Pricing

Flexible Pricing Plans


  • Grow revenues, improve margins and open profitable flex locations
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Landlords & Investors

  • Gain unmatched insights on the flex market to make data-led investments on profitable flex space models.
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We also serve brokers & marketplaces - Book a Demo